Mount Sber second highest mountain in Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula after Mount Prophet Shuaib, with a high (3070 m) above sea level, and a height from the city of Taiz to peak at Fort bride (1500 m), and falls within the Southern Highlands, a mountain settled by humans since ancient times and the age of runways with fertile soil, has said the San Yemen Hamdani as impregnable, and is described by Ibn adjacent as Mount Rounded many good things and fruits, wood and where many villages and forts, also has a strategic importance through history, recalling the historical sources that Prince Asad ibn Abi Fotouh bin Alwaleed Humairi was Mtuwalia upon during the rule of the Sulayhid 514 e / 1120, and took over after the affairs of Mount Sber Mansour bin preferred that he died in 558 AH / 1162 AD, and remains fort in the hands of the kings of the state Alzerieih that seized him balance Shah Ayoubi with several fortresses other in the region, and that in 569 AH / 1173 AD, then dominated by Alrcolion after them Sultans of Tahirids In the Ottoman conquest ALWIL Yemen Laois Pasha took over and around the city of Taiz forts including Mount Sber. Mount divided today Sber to three directorates: Directorate Sber Moadm, and Directorate Almsrakh, and the Directorate of lawmaker and Hdnan, and all directors includes a number of villages with scenic Almanadhar beholders. Represents Mount Sber day tourist destination fantastic every visitor including addition of terraces on the slopes of the mountain surrounded by orchards and abundant goods, and around the eyes water, springs and springs, as well as the diversity of fruits that are grown, and beautiful homes that look in Almmads for Nadharan her from the city of Taiz, like flashing star , Fezla some shrines religiously-'mosque owners cave in the village of Almakab, mosque hair in the village bar below the Castle bride, along with rock tombs in the village المحراق, and mineral water in the bathroom natural in the village Alemrazh, also draws on Almtalat perches from Mount Sber Recreation modern upscale tourist service of Sheikh Zayed Kmentzh and other parks overlooking the charming and unique views of the city of Taiz.
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